Now, to make this orgy of crystal ball-gazing and unbridled punditry all the more titillating, they're asking readers to cast their vote for the person with the best vision for the future of publishing.
Vote for me!
Your choices include:
Seth Godin - Bestselling author
Richard Curtis - Literary agent
Mark Coker - Smashwords
Richard Nash - Publisher
Jane Dystel - Literary agent
Scott Steinberg - Digital Trends
Other - write in your own
These are all smart cookies, so you can't go wrong voting for anyone. Help me beat Seth Godin, only because that would just crack me up. He's possibly the smartest cookie of anyone.
Interestingly, I'm up against Jane Dystel. Jane heads Dystel & Goderich Literary Management, one of the most respected lit agencies in the business. Dystel & Goderich once repped Boob Tube, the novel my wife and I wrote.
As some of you know, without Boob Tube, there would never have been a Smashwords. As some of you may not know, it was our agent at DGLM, Jim McCarthy, who first suggested we self publish Boob Tube after they were unable to sell our book to a publisher. This was the spark that then led me to decide, "hey, why not create a publishing platform that would allow any author, anywhere in the world, to bypass publishers altogether and instantly publish their book online as an ebook?"
Funny how things come full circle. Hey, if you don't vote for me, vote for Jane for having the smarts to hire Jim!
Click here to vote for one of us.
Voted! Will retweet, too. Good luck, and thanks for helping to transform the world of publishing!
Voted and will re-tweet.
Good luck Mark!
Thanks Pamela and Christy! Christy, thanks for the blog post as well.
BTW- off topic, but Amazon now have a Kindle for PC download available
I voted for you yesterday, Mark. Just checked again, and you're in the lead!
Robert Burton Robinson
Wow, thanks Robert. I didn't expect that to happen. The other folks had some great predictions.
You just got my No 1!
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