Publishing University Thursday, May 28
#1. 8:30-10am, "Turning Printed Books into Downloadable E-Books: Creating Digital Reading for Those on the Move"
I'm honored to do this presentation alongside the one and only Dan Poynter! I'll share my views on the past, present and future of ebooks. If you haven't purchased Dan's latest greatest book - The Self Publishing Manual Volume 2 - buy it now at Smashwords (it's our #1 bestseller!).
Once your book is written and ready to be printed, it is time to think about other profit centers. E-books do not have to be printed, inventoried, or shipped. E-books are never returned. You will discover how to prepare the file, convert it into the five popular e-book formats, and submit it to resellers (dealers) such as Amazon.com, Palm, and Yahoo! A resource handout includes a step-by-step plan plus contact names and phone numbers. Learn from the industry guru, Dan Poynter, who has been selling e-documents and e-books since 1996.
#2. 12:00-2pm, Keynote Luncheon, "Give the E-Readers What They Want — Content Delivery in a Digital Future"
For this roundtable panel moderated by IPA president Florrie Binford Kichler, I'm accompanied by Neelan Choksi of Amazon/ Lexcycle, Daniel Albohn of Sony, and Tricia Roth of ReadHowYouWant.
In an era that in recent times has seen print book sales steadily declining, e-book sales are on the rise. “It’s the content, stupid” has been the mantra, and nowhere has that been more evident than in the growing numbers of e-book readers that range from the Sony e-reader to the Apple iPhone and beyond, and ebook READERS who are migrating to their cell phones and devices for everything from the New York Times to their favorite novel. As a publisher, how do you create your own digital strategy to reach consumers who now have more choices in HOW they read than ever before? Join this panel of experts who have revolutionized the reading experience as they talk about the brave new world of publishing and how publishers can best take advantage of new and ever-changing technology. How can you reach this growing market? Learn the answers and more in this must-attend program presented by companies whose names are synonyms for technological innovation and leadership.

#3. 9:30-10:30am, panel, "Digital Debut Tool Time"
This panel discussion is moderated by Mike Shatzkin of Idea Logical, featuring me, Peter Clifton of FiledBy, Hugh McGuire of BookOven and Neil Jones of Coolreaders.An insider’s presentation of new and soon-to-be-mainstreamed web-based entities providing innovative digital services and tools to authors, publishers and readers.See you in New York!
Mark - This doesn't relate to the BookExpo - although I'd surely love to be in New York for it. Never been there, but one day....
My question - Is there anyway you could give the collective "us" or the individual "me" some tips about price points, percentages, etc. in view of the upcoming affiliate program?
Thanks in advance!!
Mary Anne Graham
Hi Mary Anne,
These are big questions!
I doubt the pricing strategy for affiliates will be much different that the non-affiliate pricing strategy. And what is the best strategy? I don't think anyone knows. Consumers seem to prefer ebooks under $10, though for the right book they're willing to pay more. Non-fiction seems less price sensitive than fiction, probably because it's easier for the buyer to justify their benefit as exceeding the cost. For percentages, if you're asking how much to juice, I'd say just experiment one month at a time. The standard affiliate percentage of 11% is quite generous as it is, and I don't think anyone really knows how affiliates will react if you juice it to 50% or more. Ask me again in a few months when I have more data!
Don't expect much from the affiliate program for several months. It'll take awhile for things to kick in. We're not formally announcing it until Tuesday.
I am happy for those of you living on the East Coast to have the opportunity to attend the Ebooks Seminar outlined in this blog. Personally, I am intrigued with the concept (Ebooks) and find learning about the topic equally intriguing.
I have not written a book, but one of my future goals is to become an author (easier said than done - I know).
Best of luck with the seminar! If anyone is a writer, and has the time and locale to attend, it sounds like a "must do", IMHO.
All the best to you and yours,
Lori Ann Nolan
It not the market of Ebooks. It is only the offer of Ebooks in the market. Demand is not present any. A distribution infrastructure - chaotic. There was a possibility to publish the texts on the Internet and all have started to be engaged in it. Why also is not present? Every day on the Internet there are 400 000 new users. This advertising company also is calculated on them with ereaders. Actually, while there is nothing to read, except instructions - how to read and what to read. I exaggerate. And digital copies of paper books is as meal reflexion in a mirror. Looks also, and to sense any.
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