The theme this time around is, "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Digital Publishing (but were afraid to ask)." If you're an author or publisher, and you want to learn how to make the move to ebooks, come join us. Don't forget to bring your questions.
I really like Shelley's approach. There's no PowerPoint presentation. It's just Shelley and I on a conference call with Shelley asking smart questions, and then we open it up to audience questions. This time around we're reserving up to 45 minutes for the audience segment. We're also going to invite folks on Twitter to tweet Shelley questions. Shelly is @wordywoman and I'm @markcoker.
If you're not familiar with Shelley, check out my Q&A interview with Shelley from a few months back here on the Smashwords Blog. Shelley's a great advocate for all authors, so I highly recommend you learn about her and get involved with her VIP Authors program.
The class runs from 2:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern. It's free to listen to the live call and ask questions. Click here to learn more and register.
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