Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Seventh Annual Smashwords End of Year Sale Begins December 15

Mark your calendars!   The annual Smashwords End of Year Sale kicks off December 15 and runs through January 1, 2024.

Enrollment is now open for Smashwords authors at  For authors who distribute to Smashwords via Draft2Digital, the enrollment period opens on or before December 1, and closes December 13.

Now in its seventh year, this Smashwords End of Year Sale promises to be one of our largest sales ever.  

If you're new to Smashwords supersales, either as an author or reader, you're in for a treat. Tens of thousands of incredible indie authors and publishers from around the globe will join together in this collaborative marketing event to celebrate indie ebooks the readers who read them.

For last year’s Smashwords End of Year Sale, the first to be open to all Draft2Digital authors following our merger with Draft2Digital in March 2022, a whopping 161,000 books participated.  This was an all-time record, up from 104,000 the year before.

At a time when other retailers are trying to find ways to pay authors less, or charge for advertising tools, or require exclusivity to gain access to best selling opportunities, Smashwords has always worked differently.  We look for opportunities to help authors sell more and earn more, and all without exclusivity.  This sale is open to all authors and publishers that distribute wide with Draft2Digital.

We pay authors and publishers up to 80% of list price or more when the customer's cart total is over $9.00.  Not only do we believe that authors and publishers deserve the largest possible cut of their sales, we also believe that higher royalties benefit readers.  High royalties enable authors and publishers to earn more while selling their books at affordable prices, a win/win for authors and readers alike.

Celebrate Your Participation!

All readers and authors are invited to celebrate their participation in the Smashwords End of Year Sale with these shareable images, perfectly sized for your favorite social media platforms.  Or use them on your website, blog, or private author newsletter.  Click the image to expand it to its full size.  We added more images on 11/21/23!


New Additions 11/21/23!

Enjoy, and please invite your author and reader friends to join the sale too!


  1. 15th, or 16th? The site is showing me the 16th.

  2. Shelba, it starts the 15th. Sorry for the slow reply, and thanks for pointing this out. We've corrected it.
