Friday, December 22, 2017

Smashwords End of Year Sale Starts December 25

Mark your calendar!

On Christmas day we kick off our first annual Smashwords End of Year Sale.

Already, 30,000 indie ebooks and nearly 6,000 authors are enrolled to participate with deep discounted ebooks priced at 25%-off, 50%-off, 75%-off and FREE.   We expect thousands of more authors and books to join the sale in the next few days.

We'll offer an incredible selection of the best in indie fiction and non-fiction.

The sale starts December 25 and ends at midnight Pacific the evening of January 1.

The first few days after Christmas mark the biggest ebook selling days of the year as millions of readers around the world unwrap their new e-reading devices and smart phones start loading them with new ebooks to read.  Let's help these readers read!

We'll promote the sale to over one million readers at Smashwords.  Like our other high-profile sales such as Read an Ebook Week in March and the Summer/Winter Sale in July, we'll also promote it prominently on the Smashwords home page and across thousands of participating book pages.

To enroll, visit today where you can enroll your books in the various discount levels. These discounts are exclusive to the Smashwords store and don't affect prices at other retailers.  Participating authors and publishers can modify their discount levels at any time between now and the end of the sale.

As with all sales events at the Smashwords store, this is a collaborative marketing event where authors help authors. Every participating author, through the promotion of their own books, amplifies the opportunity for fellow authors as readers stuff their carts chock full with deep-discounted ebooks from their favorite indie authors.

If you're a reader, be sure to check in with the sale daily because new exclusive deals will join the sale each day. 

With every ebook you buy, you're directly supporting the hard work of these writers and small independent presses.  Smashwords pays royalties of up to 80% of the list price, which means more of the reader's dollar goes to directly to the author and publisher.  The royalty level for the Smashwords store is based on dollar size of the customer's shopping cart.  It's common for customers of our exclusive sales to load their carts full with dozens and sometimes hundreds of books.  This means even 99-cent ebooks often earn authors and publishers up to 80% list during our sales.  Indie authors earn only 35% list for such low priced books at Amazon.  Thanks for supporting Smashwords authors and publishers!

Happy holidays, everyone.  May your 2018 be blessed with more time to read!


  1. Thank you for offering this wonderful opportunity to readers and authors. As an author who reads voraciously, I appreciate your generosity. Many blessings to you!

    MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA
    Author & Writing Coach
    The Italian Chronicles Trilogy
    ---The Madonna of Pisano
    ---A Sicilian Farewell
    ---Return to Bella Terra

  2. The Bridge of the Golden Wood: A Parable on How to Earn a Living -- Picture book selected by Vermont for primary school career/financial literacy curriculum
